Bodies: 2 -- A day of best-selling authors with a medical twist, poets, artists & good food
Motherhood & Anxiety with Anna Mathur
Life, Death, Writing & Neurosurgery with Henry Marsh
Reflecting on 'Bodies': an interdisciplinary conference exploring health & healthcare
Breast Cancer and the Power of Narrative
Dr Semmelweis, Bristol Old Vic & Now London, Harold Pinter Theatre
A day of renowned speakers & best-selling authors -- 26 June, Bristol -- Tickets now available
Rachel Aviv, Strangers to Ourselves: Stories of Unsettled Minds (New York: Vintage, 2022)
MSF: HIV in South Sudan
Hard Talk: On Palliative Care
Medicine and Class
Social Prescribing -- a resource page with a Bristol slant
Shame and Medicine
What Happens When Doctors Get Sick?
Death and Dying: a philosopher, a consultant, and a funeral director in conversation
19 Stories: Narrative and Illness
Functional Neurological Disorder
Part 2: Metaphors of Maternity in Olivia Gordon's The First Breath
Olivia Gordon, The First Breath: A Memoir of Motherhood and Medicine (London: Bluebird, 2019), £9.99
If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha: A Multifaceted View of Aesthetic Medicine